
Hi everyone! I’m Amita.

Hi everyone! I’m Amita.

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Hi everyone! I’m Amita Jenwikai Lipscomb. It’s been 6 months since I started working for FAL English School. My main duties here are teaching English, planning daily and monthly schedules, marketing, coordinating customer service, interviewing teachers and reporting to senior management.

I’m truly grateful to contribute to the growth of my students. Seeing the smiles on their faces and watching them improve day-by-day is what motivates me. Even though I’m working from home and I only see the kids online, I really feel a close connection with the students. I would like to heartily thank all of the parents at FAL English School for being so helpful and supportive. I am sincerely thankful for my hard-working boss. He has not only taught me about work but also many life lessons. Thank you for the valuable opportunity you have given me to be part of this wonderful school. Lastly, I feel so blessed to be surrounded by so many kind and talented co-workers. It is a delightful experience working with everyone.
Come and be part of our family! We are looking forward to seeing you all at FAL English School.

皆さんこんにちは!私はエミタ ジェウィガイ リップスコムです。FAL English Schoolで働き始めて6ヶ月が経ちます。私の主な仕事は英語を教えること、1日、1ヶ月のスケジュールの計画を立てること、マーケティング、お客様のお問い合わせ対応、先生方の面接、連絡調整、そして上司への報告業務です。

私は生徒さまの成長に貢献することが何よりも嬉しく、有り難いです。彼らの笑顔や、日毎の成長を見ることが私のモチベーションになります。私は自分の家(タイ)から、彼らとオンラインでしか会うことができませんが、生徒さまとの関係性が親密であることを強く感じています。そして、親御さまに、FAL English
私たちと家族の一員になりましょう!皆さんとFAL English Schoolでお会いすることを楽しみにしています。